Integration Weeks

Self-care is rooted in routine and ritual:

The nightly lotion-on-the-feet before bed.

The expansive stretches when you rise.

That first cup of tea or coffee in the morning.

The small practices we keep coming back to are anchoring points for our lives.

If approached with intention…

These small practices help us weather the storms.

Anxieties can be softened with the power of knowing that certain soothing activities punctuate each day, regardless of situation or circumstance.

Depression can be allayed with the simple understanding that self-care happens, no matter what situation or circumstances may drag us down.

Trauma brain can become more integrated, knowing that even when it seems like no one shows up for us, we show up for us.

That we are… worth it.

Because we are.

Intentionality – meaning prioritizing – is key. We build in the layers to create traction in the brain as to why this is so important.

Why it matters.

As women, rhythmic tides and flows…

… are encrypted into our DNA through menstruation.

Mainstream American culture pushes us to go, go, GO!

But our bodies tell us to INCUBATE, CREATE, and GO!

To be balanced mentally, physically, and spiritually, we need rest and reflection between periods of conscious, deliberate action.

Here’s how we’ll develop that rhythm in your life…


We’ll build in rationale and resources during our work together as to why women – especially – benefit from living rhythmically and inflow. By mapping and awareness-raising activities, we’ll experiment with new behaviors and structures, and you can decide for yourself how living in flow fits in your life.


When we work together, we’ll do three weekly sessions, and the last week of the month will be dedicated to integration.

This week off from formal therapy replenishes you by forcing you to slow down, reflect, turn inward, go deeper, and let the progress you’ve made settle.


If you’re wondering, “Oh… how do I do all that?” Don’t worry: I’ll coach you on how to do “non-doing.”

It’s meeting you where you are with your ability to be with yourself – on purpose – with zero agenda. If that sounds absolutely torturous to you (and for too many in the modern world, it does!), all is well.

Baby steps. Perhaps we start with one conscious breath. Two minutes with nothing to do, nowhere to go. Bit by bit, you may find that the conscious alone time becomes a this-trippy-battery-charging sensation that you have been seeking in your life for years – internal coffee. Suddenly, you start to crave it. You don’t want to leave the house without it. You long for your integration weeks each month as you see how – quite quickly – they begin to set you up for higher productivity and remarkable shifts.

It’s ironic: Lightning-quick healing requires periods of rest and non-doing.

Become the work you’re doing (rather than just talking about it)…

Integration is a big topic with a powder keg behind it to change your relationship to your life.

Call (402) 937-0027 today for a free 15- to 20-minute consultation to learn more.